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Tips for Back to in Person Learning

With the pandemic hopefully coming to an end, our classes are now returning back to in person! This is definitely exciting for many students as we get to attend lectures and tutorials in the classroom instead of online. To have a smooth transition to in person learning, here are some tips that you can follow:

Staying Organized

Firstly, it is always best to stay organized. Staying organized can be simple when you use planners and make a schedule for yourself. For example, Google Calendar is a great tool to plan out your day. There is also an app called Timetable which is a daily planner to keep track of your courses. Taking the time to stay organized can help save time and keep everything under control.

How to be successful academically

Now let's move onto tips to be successful academically! It is always best to form study groups to review course material. Whether there are doubts or confusions, a great study group can come in handy. When studying on your own, the Pomodoro technique is a widely used technique that helps balance your time. For every 25 minutes of studying, take a 5 minute break and then get back to studying! This will help you from being overwhelmed from your work and gives you some time to take a deep breath.

Taking care of your mental health

The most important thing to take care of when returning to in person learning is your mental health. In person learning can be exhausting for a while, until you get back into the rhythm. Therefore, it is important to prioritize your health, so here are some tips for that. When the weather is nice, try to go outdoors and enjoy the lovely weather. Whether it is going on a walk or riding your bike, some fresh air is great to add to your day. Another tip is to use your free time to hang out with friends and family. Spending time with your loved ones helps you function well mentally and promotes positive mental health.

Final thoughts

Going back in person is a change that can be difficult at first, but once time goes by, it will definitely get better. Following these tips will be a great way to make this transition easier. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed this blog post!

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